Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dollar Tree !!

have you ever buy something for party, for school office, for kitchen table wear .....with one dollar for each item? I mean that everything all one dollar. Sound unbelievable but it does exist in Austin everywhere. everything is one dollar and nothing more than one even if you buy a bottle of lotion, makeup, ... it is a very great idea to have DOLLAR TREE in Austin because we can buy as much as we want to and we save a lot of money to buy somewhere else. although the quality of products is not good for us to use lotion, hair conditioner.., we can buy some thing that just use one time such as napkin, plastic cup, plastic flowers, toys ..... these thing we can buy at dollar tree.

Austin people who have not enough money they often go there to get stuff almost for free. Near to the International Office there is a dollar tree that in FIESTA area. Also one is next to Fry ( electronic store) Actually, the price is very good just for decorative stuff such as flowers, vases, clay, frame,... but it is not good for eat. somehow I wonder how can they run the business and sell the items out very cheap, how can they survive? and where is the company that produce the items for them to sell? it is really interesting for me when I first heard there is a one dollar for everything store.because I never seem any store like it in my country and i have never though of buying thing with one dollar. at this store you buy a big shiny ribbon for one buck but in Hobby Lobby the price is higher 5 to 6 time.


  1. Are you kidding me? where the heck did you get this idea from? LOL. I laughed myself out.

  2. In Korea, there are many stores to sell all of items for 1,000 won($1). Now I'am still wondering how the seller gets money from 1,000 won($1)items (@_@)

  3. There are a lot of similar stores in the U. S. Actually, I hate to think about where they get their goods, because someone somewhere must be working for almost no money.
