Monday, April 19, 2010

School uniform in vietnam

Unlike most of United States schools, schools in Vietnam required all of its students to wear uniform. Ever since elementary, students have to wear uniform to go inside school and get into class. In elementary, students are wearing blue pants and white shirt. And every student has a name tag. The tag must have the school name, also the student’s name, and the current class. The tags are given to the students at the beginning of the school year. And they are given every school year. The tags then sewed onto white shirts. Each student will receive more than one tag for different shirts. In middle school, the uniforms types stay the same. But in middle school, the students are allowed to take a test to join the communist party. After that the students then can use a red scarf to represent their status. The middle school uniforms also become a little more vary although the principle stays as blue pants and white shirt. As the students get into high school, the uniforms will become even more vary. And some high schools will allow their female students to wear long dress as a uniform. The long dress will be white and the pants will also be white. The students will still require sew their name tag onto their dresses. The students are also allowed to wear the other old type of uniform if they like to. And for the male students, they are still wearing the same old type of uniform. In the United States, students are wearing anything they want as long as they follow dress code. In Vietnam, the students have to wear uniform. Although make every one looks similar to each other, but that way has became a traditional that every one likes. Now, every time I walk by a school, seeing every student is wearing uniform, it makes me happy and reminds me of memory I had in school.


  1. It's nice to have a symbol of your school that keeps a memory fresh for you. A few private schools here have students wear uniforms, but it's rare. Everyone gets upset when someone suggests that we start using uniforms because we are so independent. Too independent do you think?

  2. but sometime if we have the same outfit,we feel closer as a team

  3. In Korea, all students in middle school and in high school should wear uniforms long time ago. When I was in a high school, the regulation of uniforms was released by the new government. But it was brought back by free will of the school policy. Now most students in Korea use uniforms in school, which are more practical and pretty than before. I think wearing uniforms is good for students^^

  4. ha ha ha !!! I can not stop laughing, you know why? there are similarities between viet nam and nigeria!
